Smart-Watch Life Saver: Smart-Watch Interactive-Feedback System for Improving Bystander CPR

Abstract: In this work a Smart-Watch application, that is able to monitor the frequency and depth of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and provide interactive corrective feedback is described. We have evaluated the system with a total of 41 subjects who had undertaken a single episode of CPR training several years previously. This training was part of a First Aid course for lay people, commonly accessed in this population. The evaluation was conducted by measuring participant CPR competence using the “gold standard” of CPR training, namely frequency and compression depth. The evaluation demonstrated that the Smart Watch feedback system provided a significant improvement in the participant performance. For example, it doubled the number of people who could maintain both the parameters in the recommended range for at least 50% of the time.


Citation: Agnes Gruenerbl, Gerald Pirkl, Eloise Monger, Mary Gobbi, and Paul Lukowicz. 2015. Smart-watch life saver: smart-watch interactive-feedback system for improving bystander CPR. In Proceedings of the 2015 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (ISWC ’15). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 19-26.


About P. Andreadis

Pre-Doctoral Research Assistant in AI and Social Computation @ University of Edinburgh.

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